This Is How I Blog

November 25, 2012 at 8:15 am (Blogging) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

I am a meticulous person. I like my life and everything in it ordered and precise. So when I started blogging I developed a  tendency to plan out all my posts well ahead of their post dates. I still like to do this.

Below is a link to my blog plan for part of this year (Jan – Aug):

Blog Plan 2012

I blog (mostly) a post every Sunday. I always blog about Halloween, Remembrance Day and Dec 6th as close to the day as possible. I sometimes post about National Talk Like A Pirate Day (Sept 19th). I sometimes do book reviews. I sometimes, when my other plans are thwarted, do a photo meme or two.

However, I am happiest when I can follow the plan!

A neat corner of my neat desk at my last job…

This week I couldn’t follow the plan.

I planned to do part three of Places I’ve Lived, a once yearly series I’m doing on a semi-regular basis. But! the post would need too much prep – I’d have to do the floor plans and scan them; I’d have to find a picture. And my scanner/printer is not hooked up to my new computer yet! Even though I’ve had the new computer for over a month!

I had in my head, all week, the thought that my next blog post was planned out and suddenly realized last night that it was not.

So, what to do? What would this post be about?

I couldn’t do a photo meme. I had just done a photo meme last week.

I could peruse my too long list of saved drafts. They’re not full drafts. They are idea drafts: lists, questions, memories, quotes, poems and various other sundry ideas that are percolating in my brain on any given day.

Don’t you just wish, some days, that you could switch off your brain? I do.

Out of my 116 drafts, nothing really jumped up at me. None of them waved their arms around going, “me, me, me – write about me!”

My magnets precisely organized on my fridge (and never used)…

Then, out of the blue, Serendipity struck (seized, smote, smited) me.

I read. I read too much (over 200 books so far this year plus ebooks plus magazines plus newspapers plus).

I’m 69 pages into an amazing celebrity dual memoir.

Are you intrigued?

It’s a father/son book. It’s a book written by a father and a son from a contemporary Hollywood dynasty.

I don’t read many memoirs written by men (and even less written by fathers).

Fathers; now that’s a complicated topic!

A meticulous pile of quality chocolate (nom, nom, nom)…

So, here’s my post about blogging and an intriguing book (that would make a good present for a father or a son but not my father – like I said, “it’s complicated”).

I plan to finish the book tonight (Saturday) and this blog post will go live tomorrow (Sunday).

If you ask me in the comments if the book stayed as good as those first 69 pages I’ll answer.

This is how I blog – meticulously, and occasionally, off the cuff.

How do you blog?





. Along The Way: The Journey of a Father and Son

. by Martin Sheen & Emilio Estevez

. with Hope Edelman

. Toronto, Ont: Free Press, 2012

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